25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
28 “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; 29 and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:25-34
Just a Glimpse gives a glimpse into my life. If you could read my mind just a little bit this is how I think... family, daily life, faith.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Happy Father's Day Dad!
My Dad!
My dad has always worked hard. I remember several different jobs he held over the years.
I know he took work where he could get it several times over the years.
I remember him needing to travel extensively for some of his jobs.
My dad is and has always been there for us.
If I had to choose one word for my dad is would be ENGAGED.
Dad was there for the all the events in our lives.
I remember him at my concerts, which were numerous.
I remember him at all of our sports events, which added together were many.
If he did miss any I don't remember it.
If we needed him all we had to do was call for him and he would come.
He was the go to guy for me.
Even as an adult if I needed to know how to do something or fix something I knew I could call Dad.
He is the experienced toy assembler.
He didn't even need the directions.
When we were with Dad...he was with us. Engaged...He interacted...He made us feel important.
My dad believes we can do anything we want to do.
Dad is the best Grandpa too!
Engaged is still the word to describe him.
He makes all feel special.
Love you Dad
Happy Father's Day
Friday, June 10, 2011
Living Life & Quote
Living Life
People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of wrong motives. Be kind anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.~ Mother Theresa
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Bittersweet Gratituesday

Yesterday I said goodbye to our home of almost 15 years.
I am so grateful God allowed us to live in such a nice house for so long.
This home holds so many memories, good and not so good.
Our youngest daughter lived almost all her growing up years in this house. It must be hard for her to say goodbye. She lived here from Kindergarten through her first year of College.
We adopted our 3rd daughter while living in this house. We would not have met her if not for living in this particular place at that particular time. Isn't God's timing great?
Our oldest daughter graduated high school in this house. She also moved away from home from this home. She and her husband and son came back from Guam and lived in this house for a period of time with us.
Our 2nd daughter lived here until she decided to leave.
Good memories of pool time in the back yard. Good memories of the girls friends.
We loved living here but it is just a house, a place to dwell, a shelter.
Now it is time to move on...
God has never let me down. He has given me shelter all my life. I have no fear nor anxiety for the future.
So now we will look forward to the plans He has for us...
Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Are we really living or just surviving?
Have you ever pondered your life?
I want to live my life not just survive day to day.
What about you?
I think I will make Thursdays for the next few months about living life vs. just surviving.
Let's start with a disclaimer...sometimes you just need to just survive so don't beat yourself up if that is the season you currently find yourself. I've been there and strength is sometimes just moving forward day to day. It is sometimes all you can do to just get through one day and then wake up and face the next day. If you are in this season now Remember Joy Does Come in the Morning. You are not alone.
My first thought about living life is....Be in The Word Daily.
Ta-Da! Exciting! Right?
If the foundation is not solid there will be no living life. It will always end up being just survival.
I have read and heard so many ideas regarding personal time with the Word. Many say you must do it first thing in the morning. Most say it must be a routine and you must be regular every day for 21 days or one month to make it a habit. These probably work for many people however I always just felt like a complete failure trying to do it someone else's way.
I am so not good in the morning. I can't think as clearly first thing. I need to eat and have some tea. I need a shower to wake up. By the time I did those things morning was either chaotic or gone.
If you are a morning person it may be the very best time for you to have your quiet time with God. I do have some friends who are chipper and awake first thing in the morning. I don't have any in my family but I do know people who love mornings.
So I tried the other time of day - evening.
Nope, not a good time either. Husbands, children, meetings, concerts, parents, sisters, etc... needed me in the evenings. After retiring to the bedroom is not good either. Husbands should have priority there.
I am sure evening works for a lot of people also. If you are single it may work well. If you need some wind down time at night it may be just the answer you are looking for to get a good night's sleep.
The routine part has also been a stumbling block for me. It felt too much like a chore. I don't know why but I guess I'm not a routine type. I enjoy change. The "make it a habit like brushing your teeth" took the joy out of my time in the Word.
If you are a routine type then please make a routine so you are in the Word every day. There is nothing wrong with either type. We need to learn that we are all made unique and individual and work with our own type.
I will share what I do just in case there are some of you beating yourself up every time there is a sermon, book, women's retreat etc... that pushes their way of quiet time as the best way.
I am not convinced that one way is necessarily better than another way. I think that the best way is to do it every day.
For me grabbing snippets throughout my day has been the answer. Let me share what I mean.
When I wake in the morning before I open my eyes I take some time to pray. I pray for anything that comes to my mind or has been on my heart. I pray for Christ to be with me and guide me throughout this day.
I usually have a study book in the bathroom.
While doing household chores I can worship with music or listen to a sermon.
If you home school your children you probably have Bible as part of your curriculum. Just be careful that that is not your only every day. I will admit it was my only for short periods of time. When the children were young I spent time preparing for their lesson and then did the lesson with them and thought that was enough. It is not enough for every day. It is enough some days. You know when you are having one of those days.
I have had baskets and bags. In the bag would be a study and Bible that I was currently attending. In the basket would be a Bible and some kind of devotional. I placed them where I sit the most. More than one place...by bed, by computer, by couch...
Before going to sleep I will go over my day and confess my shortcoming to the Lord, ask for forgiveness and help for tomorrow.
I am only sharing some ideas that I have used that worked for me. You must find your own best way to spend Daily Time in The Word. It can be traditional or non-conformist. The main thing is it must work for you.
The rewards when you find your way to have daily time are incredible. You will find a verse and then think about it throughout the day. You will find that what you are reading is applicable to you that very day. You will be able to recall lessons you have learned and pass them on to others just when needed. You will find strength and peace in the midst of turmoil.
Be Encouraged! Read The Word Daily
I want to live my life not just survive day to day.
What about you?
I think I will make Thursdays for the next few months about living life vs. just surviving.
Let's start with a disclaimer...sometimes you just need to just survive so don't beat yourself up if that is the season you currently find yourself. I've been there and strength is sometimes just moving forward day to day. It is sometimes all you can do to just get through one day and then wake up and face the next day. If you are in this season now Remember Joy Does Come in the Morning. You are not alone.
My first thought about living life is....Be in The Word Daily.
Ta-Da! Exciting! Right?
If the foundation is not solid there will be no living life. It will always end up being just survival.
I have read and heard so many ideas regarding personal time with the Word. Many say you must do it first thing in the morning. Most say it must be a routine and you must be regular every day for 21 days or one month to make it a habit. These probably work for many people however I always just felt like a complete failure trying to do it someone else's way.
I am so not good in the morning. I can't think as clearly first thing. I need to eat and have some tea. I need a shower to wake up. By the time I did those things morning was either chaotic or gone.
If you are a morning person it may be the very best time for you to have your quiet time with God. I do have some friends who are chipper and awake first thing in the morning. I don't have any in my family but I do know people who love mornings.
So I tried the other time of day - evening.
Nope, not a good time either. Husbands, children, meetings, concerts, parents, sisters, etc... needed me in the evenings. After retiring to the bedroom is not good either. Husbands should have priority there.
I am sure evening works for a lot of people also. If you are single it may work well. If you need some wind down time at night it may be just the answer you are looking for to get a good night's sleep.
The routine part has also been a stumbling block for me. It felt too much like a chore. I don't know why but I guess I'm not a routine type. I enjoy change. The "make it a habit like brushing your teeth" took the joy out of my time in the Word.
If you are a routine type then please make a routine so you are in the Word every day. There is nothing wrong with either type. We need to learn that we are all made unique and individual and work with our own type.
I will share what I do just in case there are some of you beating yourself up every time there is a sermon, book, women's retreat etc... that pushes their way of quiet time as the best way.
I am not convinced that one way is necessarily better than another way. I think that the best way is to do it every day.
For me grabbing snippets throughout my day has been the answer. Let me share what I mean.
When I wake in the morning before I open my eyes I take some time to pray. I pray for anything that comes to my mind or has been on my heart. I pray for Christ to be with me and guide me throughout this day.
I usually have a study book in the bathroom.
While doing household chores I can worship with music or listen to a sermon.
If you home school your children you probably have Bible as part of your curriculum. Just be careful that that is not your only every day. I will admit it was my only for short periods of time. When the children were young I spent time preparing for their lesson and then did the lesson with them and thought that was enough. It is not enough for every day. It is enough some days. You know when you are having one of those days.
I have had baskets and bags. In the bag would be a study and Bible that I was currently attending. In the basket would be a Bible and some kind of devotional. I placed them where I sit the most. More than one place...by bed, by computer, by couch...
Before going to sleep I will go over my day and confess my shortcoming to the Lord, ask for forgiveness and help for tomorrow.
I am only sharing some ideas that I have used that worked for me. You must find your own best way to spend Daily Time in The Word. It can be traditional or non-conformist. The main thing is it must work for you.
The rewards when you find your way to have daily time are incredible. You will find a verse and then think about it throughout the day. You will find that what you are reading is applicable to you that very day. You will be able to recall lessons you have learned and pass them on to others just when needed. You will find strength and peace in the midst of turmoil.
Be Encouraged! Read The Word Daily
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Why do you think I don't serve God?
I guess I just don't understand.
I don't judge your walk with God. I accept your word that you serve Him and walk with Him daily. Why do Christians feel the need to judge other Christians?
I know we are not to judge the world as they are in the darkness so why would we expect them to walk as if they are in the light. But what have I done or said to imply that I am in the darkness? I am not good at confrontation. That is the personality God knit into me when He formed me. I can be bold when I need to be bold for Christ. He does not seem to give me boldness just for my own self protection but when His Word needs to be spoken. I love the Lord my God with all of my heart, mind and soul. It wounds me when Christians truly believe I don't.
I realize that we are to lovingly confront a brother or sister in Christ when they stumble into the dark. Lovingly is a key part of this concept. Why would my brother or sister want to come back into the light if there is punishment and condemnation in return for repentance?
The Lord Jesus Christ said that in this world we will have trouble. Sometimes it is not sin on my part that trouble has come...
I accept the consequences when I have sinned. I also accept the grace afforded me. Jesus did not pay the price lightly and I do not accept it lightly but with sincere gratitude. I am also humbled by the fact that He paid this price even if just for me alone.
I am not a perfect person. I have never claimed to be perfect. I have never thought to be perfect. I have past pain and wounds just like you. I strive to be like My Lord Jesus Christ. He says to forgive those who hurt you. Why would anyone think that either A - I am blinded and need to see the light because I have forgiven others or B- I am in denial of being hurt?
God has given me peace in this time of trial and no man can take away what God has given. My God is big enough to take care of me and I certainly have learned in my life that I should not stand in the way or take over. I love the Word and desire to immerse myself all the time. (by the way just because I can't quote the book and verse does not mean I do not know the Word, I have finally accepted that this is just another way God made me when I was formed.)
I have examined myself and do so often. I have not failed the test. Can you say the same? I will not be the one to examine you or judge you. Only you can examine yourself and only God will be your final judge. I will love you no matter what because God has grown this love inside of me. Please do not misunderstand this to be prideful. I could not love and forgive others without the Spirit within me. I could not do this if I allow myself to get in the way. The pain I feel when Christians judge others and want to punish others is not for myself as much as it is for others. I am confident in my faith and walk with the Lord. I am ever concerned for my fellow brothers and sisters that they do not fall away and become lost forever.
Please do not take this personally any of my dear ones. This is something that has been simmering in my thoughts for a very long time. Nothing any one of you dear loved brothers and sisters has said or done have pushed me over the edge. I just feel led to express my thoughts regarding this issue and even though I would prefer to remain private I feel an urgency to warn and encourage. We are in the last days even still and need to be alert and ready. My heart feels a heavy burden and wants to gather you all like chicks under the HUGE bosom of God for safety and protection.
I don't judge your walk with God. I accept your word that you serve Him and walk with Him daily. Why do Christians feel the need to judge other Christians?
I know we are not to judge the world as they are in the darkness so why would we expect them to walk as if they are in the light. But what have I done or said to imply that I am in the darkness? I am not good at confrontation. That is the personality God knit into me when He formed me. I can be bold when I need to be bold for Christ. He does not seem to give me boldness just for my own self protection but when His Word needs to be spoken. I love the Lord my God with all of my heart, mind and soul. It wounds me when Christians truly believe I don't.
I realize that we are to lovingly confront a brother or sister in Christ when they stumble into the dark. Lovingly is a key part of this concept. Why would my brother or sister want to come back into the light if there is punishment and condemnation in return for repentance?
The Lord Jesus Christ said that in this world we will have trouble. Sometimes it is not sin on my part that trouble has come...
I accept the consequences when I have sinned. I also accept the grace afforded me. Jesus did not pay the price lightly and I do not accept it lightly but with sincere gratitude. I am also humbled by the fact that He paid this price even if just for me alone.
I am not a perfect person. I have never claimed to be perfect. I have never thought to be perfect. I have past pain and wounds just like you. I strive to be like My Lord Jesus Christ. He says to forgive those who hurt you. Why would anyone think that either A - I am blinded and need to see the light because I have forgiven others or B- I am in denial of being hurt?
God has given me peace in this time of trial and no man can take away what God has given. My God is big enough to take care of me and I certainly have learned in my life that I should not stand in the way or take over. I love the Word and desire to immerse myself all the time. (by the way just because I can't quote the book and verse does not mean I do not know the Word, I have finally accepted that this is just another way God made me when I was formed.)
I have examined myself and do so often. I have not failed the test. Can you say the same? I will not be the one to examine you or judge you. Only you can examine yourself and only God will be your final judge. I will love you no matter what because God has grown this love inside of me. Please do not misunderstand this to be prideful. I could not love and forgive others without the Spirit within me. I could not do this if I allow myself to get in the way. The pain I feel when Christians judge others and want to punish others is not for myself as much as it is for others. I am confident in my faith and walk with the Lord. I am ever concerned for my fellow brothers and sisters that they do not fall away and become lost forever.
Please do not take this personally any of my dear ones. This is something that has been simmering in my thoughts for a very long time. Nothing any one of you dear loved brothers and sisters has said or done have pushed me over the edge. I just feel led to express my thoughts regarding this issue and even though I would prefer to remain private I feel an urgency to warn and encourage. We are in the last days even still and need to be alert and ready. My heart feels a heavy burden and wants to gather you all like chicks under the HUGE bosom of God for safety and protection.
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