Tuesday, September 22, 2009


What do you do when you are sad? Do you feel sorry for yourself and sit around doing nothing? Do you get up and do something...anything so you can just feel less sad? Do you give yourself a pep talk to get out of the funk? Do you cry? Do you blame others for your sadness?

Do you take it out on the ones you love the most? Do you put others down so you might feel better about yourself? Do you just lash out and get angry?

If you are female do you just blame it on "Hormones"? If you are male do you blame "Work"?

If you proclaim that you are a Christian what should you do? As Christians we know we are supposed to take it to the Father and let it go. How? How do we do that?

I know the standard answers...read your Bible, pray, do for others...

But...why is it so hard?

Maybe it is the pressures and expectations we put on ourselves. Maybe we are allowed to just feel sad for a while. I imagine that God is sad sometimes. He is our Father and we rebel against him. He is our creator and we think we can do it ourselves. He knows all and we think we know better. He loves us so much and we forget about him in the busyness of our lives. He has the answers but we don't listen. Can you imagine his sadness over us?

When bad things happen we need to remember who created the universe and all that is in it. We need to remember that Satan has dominion over this earth.
We need to remember that Satan does not have dominion over God's children even on this earth.

When Adam and Eve first sinned there were eternal consequences. God is not "up in heaven holding marionette like strings, orchestrating who gets what and when". He is right here with each and every Christian holding us up through the trials and troubles. We just need to remember that He is with us. He will never leave us. He allows us to go through pain and trouble to grow us into the godly men and women he desires us to be.

Hold on to your faith. Keep on keeping on...

1 Timothy 1:18-20

18This command I entrust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you fight the good fight,

19keeping faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith.

20Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan, so that they will be taught not to blaspheme.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Why do Christians hurt other Christians? Aren't we supposed to love one another and bear each others burdens? What are we showing the world about Christ? What are they thinking when they see the pain we cause our own? Why would anyone want to know Christ if this is what they get?

Or are we just more hurt because Christians should know better? Do we expect too much? Is the pain worse because we allowed these people to see the real us and they used it against us?
Or are we just too sensitive? Is it just pride?

I really think we need to start showing a little more compassion to others. Not just the sinners who don't know any better but the Christian who slips up but is repentant. I think it's time to stop being so judgemental regarding non-essentials to the faith. Do you know exactly where someone else is in their walk with Christ? Are you so prideful yourself that you really think you know what another person's motives are?

Do we even try to understand the pain or stresses our sisters in Christ deal with every day? What makes us think our stuff is bigger than their stuff? Or that they brought it all on themselves?

I know that there are consequences to actions and decisions people make. I just think that maybe we should try to allow others to work through with God's help. I am not saying to allow others to take advantage or walk all over you. I don't mean allow the goats to distract the sheep from God. I just think we sheep need to cut the other sheep a little slack.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

End of Summer

I have noticed that most of my friends from anywhere but SoCal are ending summer. I know school started in most parts of the country already. Our public school district starts on Tuesday after Labor Day. The colleges have all started. My sister is living in a part of the South now and actually has seasons! She stated last week that fall had suddenly come with a crispness to the air. I am looking forward to the pictures she will be posting of the leaves changing.

Our summer is NOT OVER YET! September is my favorite time to go to the beach. It's not so crowded because school is in. The water is warmest in September. It has had all summer to warm up. Laguna is my favorite place but it's a little far so we settle for Huntington, Bolsa Chica or Corona Del Mar. I am determined to get to Laguna at least once this September.

We also usually get the hottest weather in Sept./Oct. so the beach is the best place to just be...

Don't fret my friends. Rest assured that I will be thinking of each and every one of you while I sit under my umbrella sipping my tea and eating my spinach salad at the beach all month long...


Note I wrote this years ago but am only now brave enough to post it. I have taken time to examine my own attitudes and to listen to people o...