Monday, May 2, 2022


Note I wrote this years ago but am only now brave enough to post it. I have taken time to examine my own attitudes and to listen to people of all ethnicities. It still applies and is still my opinion.

Let me just put it out there. 
I'm white, Caucasian, predominately European decendent, just a sprinkle of Native American.

I am privileged through nothing I have done or have to do. No action on my part has brought me privilege.

I have done extensive research on my own family tree. I have some very strong lines that have been proven and researched by many genealogists. There is history in my family tree. 

I can learn from the history of my family. I can learn from the errors of others. I can also take pride in the history of my family. I can pass down the faith of my ancestors. I can pass down the determination of our ancestors. We can continue to challenge and change the status quo of the now.

My ancestors came here because of religious persecution. They came here for a better life for their children.They came to escape their own stupidity and have a fresh new start. They came to share the Gospel with the lost. I can use their stories to encourage love for all people.

I'm sure we had some bad seeds along the way but their names and history have been lost in history.

My ancestors fought against slavery from the very start. My ancestors hated slavery. My ancestors tirelessly worked to end this evil practice in this country. My ancestors preached against it, fought against it. My ancestors used their money to fight it. My ancestors passed laws against it. My ancestors married without regard to race but for love. My ancestors believed all people are worthy and no one is better than another. My ancestors believed love with action would conquer the evil in the world.

My parents taught me that we are all the same people. They taught me skin tone is just God's love of variety. They believed this country would move past racism. 

Back to privilege,,,
I am told that I cannot understand.
I am told that I could not have experienced.
I am told that my skin tone makes me a racist.
I am told that it is impossible for me to ever "get it"

I do have some privilege. I can generally drive without fear. I can even be pulled over and not think about what if I am misunderstood and shot. 

I can understand. I have experienced. I know what it feels like to grow up with fear. I know how it feels to be kicked and punched and be called things to horrible to repeat. Every single day for a long period of time…
I know what it feels like to be threatened with death for no reason except the color of my skin.

I know what it feels like to be questioned by authority figures because one - I must be overreacting or two - I must be lying or three - I must have done or said something to arouse such anger or four - I must have acted in some way superior and therefore deserved it.

I know what it feels like to move and leave stability to escape. I know what it feels like to not have a security, I heard the whispers of adults. I know the sacrifices made for my safety. I heard the accusations others threw at my parents for the decisions made because of me.

I was just a child. I was still in single digits. They were older and bigger by a lot. 

I know how it feels to parent a child who has dark skin.
I know the fear of a parent when that child grows into a driving teen and adult. I have had to teach my loved children to be extra careful. I have had to talk to my children about racism. It was just part of our lives. It exists. It will not be ignored. It has to be faced.

My heart breaks. I am on both sides. 

I do not see color. This does not make me racist. This does not mean I am ignoring the issue.  I have to purposely make my mind see it. 

I was robbed twice in my early jobs while in college. I described the robber very well until the police asked me what race. I could not recall because I did not see. This does not make me racist. This does not make me stupid. This does not make me blind.

I just do not see people as a race. I see the love in their eyes and actions. I see the possibles. I see the strengths. I am not foolish. I can see danger. I can see if harm is intended. I do not see it in the skin of a person. 

The violence. The fear. The hatred. The anger.

When will it stop?

I pray for it to stop.
I pray for it to stop.

We have to talk about it.
We have to examine ourselves.
We have to release any prejudice in our own perceptions.
We need to stop reacting.
We need to see people as people.
We need to love all people.
We are no better or worse than other people. All other people. We really are all equal so let's start acting like it.

Just one more thought...

In this country we have always had the right to sit out the Pledge to our Flag and the National Anthem. 
In football the players will take a knee to stop play in certain instances, or to avoid injury. It is considered an act of respect for another player when they are injured.

So...we have players taking a knee during the National Anthem. They are protesting an injustice. I see players still showing respect. This country is injured by the past and the present. We have to see the harm. People are in pain. People are in fear for their children. People are angry. 
We need to stop it now. 

Back to privilege one more time.
We all have privilege with Christ. We cannot do or say anything to gain the love of God. He just loves us. We do need to accept His love. He does not see color or race. We are all loved and can come to Him.

I challenge you to love others as God loves you. He loves you whether you accept it or not. He loves you even if life is crummy. He loves you and wants you even when you are bad. He loves you even if you think you don't need Him because you can do it by yourself. He loves you and is waiting for you.
I think if we can love and be ready to accept all people without pre judging them we would begin to see change. We will always have bad people. We will always have racism, but let's outnumber the bad with good people who will stand together in love for each other.

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Note I wrote this years ago but am only now brave enough to post it. I have taken time to examine my own attitudes and to listen to people o...