Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why do you think I don't serve God?

I guess I just don't understand.

I don't judge your walk with God. I accept your word that you serve Him and walk with Him daily. Why do Christians feel the need to judge other Christians?

I know we are not to judge the world as they are in the darkness so why would we expect them to walk as if they are in the light. But what have I done or said to imply that I am in the darkness? I am not good at confrontation. That is the personality God knit into me when He formed me. I can be bold when I need to be bold for Christ. He does not seem to give me boldness just for my own self protection but when His Word needs to be spoken. I love the Lord my God with all of my heart, mind and soul. It wounds me when Christians truly believe I don't.

I realize that we are to lovingly confront a brother or sister in Christ when they stumble into the dark. Lovingly is a key part of this concept. Why would my brother or sister want to come back into the light if there is punishment and condemnation in return for repentance?

The Lord Jesus Christ said that in this world we will have trouble. Sometimes it is not sin on my part that trouble has come...

I accept the consequences when I have sinned. I also accept the grace afforded me. Jesus did not pay the price lightly and I do not accept it lightly but with sincere gratitude. I am also humbled by the fact that He paid this price even if just for me alone.

I am not a perfect person. I have never claimed to be perfect. I have never thought to be perfect. I have past pain and wounds just like you. I strive to be like My Lord Jesus Christ. He says to forgive those who hurt you. Why would anyone think that either A - I am blinded and need to see the light because I have forgiven others or B- I am in denial of being hurt?

God has given me peace in this time of trial and no man can take away what God has given. My God is big enough to take care of me and I certainly have learned in my life that I should not stand in the way or take over. I love the Word and desire to immerse myself all the time. (by the way just because I can't quote the book and verse does not mean I do not know the Word, I have finally accepted that this is just another way God made me when I was formed.)

I have examined myself and do so often. I have not failed the test. Can you say the same? I will not be the one to examine you or judge you. Only you can examine yourself and only God will be your final judge. I will love you no matter what because God has grown this love inside of me. Please do not misunderstand this to be prideful. I could not love and forgive others without the Spirit within me. I could not do this if I allow myself to get in the way. The pain I feel when Christians judge others and want to punish others is not for myself as much as it is for others. I am confident in my faith and walk with the Lord. I am ever concerned for my fellow brothers and sisters that they do not fall away and become lost forever.

Please do not take this personally any of my dear ones. This is something that has been simmering in my thoughts for a very long time. Nothing any one of you dear loved brothers and sisters has said or done have pushed me over the edge. I just feel led to express my thoughts regarding this issue and even though I would prefer to remain private I feel an urgency to warn and encourage. We are in the last days even still and need to be alert and ready. My heart feels a heavy burden and wants to gather you all like chicks under the HUGE bosom of God for safety and protection.

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Note I wrote this years ago but am only now brave enough to post it. I have taken time to examine my own attitudes and to listen to people o...