Wednesday, December 1, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness

 I was challenged by a few friends on facebook to post a thanksgiving each day for the 30 days in November. I did it and am so glad I did! I thought I would share them with all of you and also archive them so I can look back and remember. Isn't that what God had the Isrealites do to remind them of His blessings? The Jewish Holidays are all in remembrance of something God did. I remember always that everything I have is from God.


30 days of Thankful - 
Day 1 - I am thankful I have a house to live in.
Day 2 - I am thankful for my children who are walking with the Lord even today.
Day 3 - I am thankful for the bi-polar weather we have in SoCal. High of 101 low of 57...humidity 11% yet rain by the weekend. Love variety then... this is where you want to live.    

Day 4 - I am thankful for the pot of tea my hubby makes for me almost every morning since our wedding, and he always makes sure I have supplies for tea when he is gone.

Day 5 - I am thankful my college daughter still comes home for the weekend sometimes and that she is not embarrassed to take me to the fortuna bowl at her school.

Day 6 of 30 days of Thankful - I am thankful I have the privilege of singing on worship team at KACC. This weekend I get to be an alto again. (note to the real altos, you probably should not listen too carefully because Chuck is my tenor and he lets me sing whatever I can find and he fits in) whatever I find is usually Tenor.

Day 7 - I am thankful I have freedom to worship openly in my country.

Day 8 - I am very thankful for 30 years today married to the same guy. ;)

Day 9 - I am thankful for friends who share wisdom just when I need it...
"Stuck between a rock and a hard place....the Cleft of the Rock."

Day 10 - I am thankful for the grown up relationships I have with my grown up daughters. I am so blessed to have daughters who love and care about mom and make me feel special. :)

Day 11 - I am thankful for all the veterans and current service members who put their lives on the line for us.

Day 12 - I am thankful my hubby is home for a while at least.

Day 13 - I am thankful for chili cook offs even/especially when I don't have to cook. ;0

Day 14 - I am thankful for my warm comfy bed and pillows and fluffy blankets.

Day 15 - Thankful for homemade yogurt, kefir, bread...whole foods...yummy and fun to make (and eat).

Day 16 - I am so thankful for my grandchildren. They are so sweet. I love being Mimi!

Day 17 - I am thankful for total strangers who share their garden babies with me freely. Today I got 30 Aloe plants from one generous freecycler. They are huge too!

Day 18 - I am thankful I have in-laws who love me for me.

Day 19 of Thankfulness - I am thankful God knows better what is good for me and sends me on the right path for my own good.

Day 20 - I am thankful for AAA especially when the car catches on fire...on the 91...

Day 21 - I am thankful for Holiday Starbucks Coffee!!! and Cranberry Bliss Bars...and the daughters who buy them for me!

Day 22 & Day 23 - A double blessing - I am thankful for the rain! I am thankful for the sun!

Day 24 - I am thankful for friendships.

Day 25 - Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful we have this day set aside to be thankful.

Day 26 - I am thankful to see my brother become the man of God I always knew he could be...Love you Van.

Day 27 - I am thankful for the little pleasures in life ie funnel cake, baby feet, loved ones screaming on silly rides.

Day 28 - I am so thankful for the Grace of God. I don't deserve it but He gives it to me just the same.

Day 29 - I am thankful my parents love me and have wisdom from their years that they are willing to give out when asked.


Final Day of 30 Days of Thankfulness - Committing to share blessings for 30 days has been a blessing to me and lifted me out of the blahs. I am thankful for all of you in my life.












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Note I wrote this years ago but am only now brave enough to post it. I have taken time to examine my own attitudes and to listen to people o...