Monday, October 12, 2009


I have noticed a lot of rebellion in our home-schooled teens and young adults lately.

This has set me to ponder...

Did we think we had secret super powers to prevent rebellion in our own young. Even God's creation- man rebelled. God's creation - angels rebelled. Who do we think we are that we would be exempt?

I do believe that some sheltering will give our children a little extra time to mature. I strongly believe homeschooling is a better way to teach and mentor our children. I also know it is not for everyone so please don't accuse me of judging your choices. I do not judge YOUR decisions!

I know for my family we chose to homeschool. It is a lifestyle more than just an educational choice. Even if we knew what rebellion would be in our midst we still would make the same choice.

Let's get back to rebellion. Sheltering is another subject for another day.
When our children rebel what should we do? What should our reaction be? What about when our friend is going through it?

Do we look at our friends and fellow sisters in Christ and think - "They must have done something wrong. I wonder what they are 'really' like at home that their child would behave this way? At least that would NEVER happen to my children!"

Of course we make parenting mistakes. We are not perfect. We are tired sometimes. We get snappy sometimes. However, God is perfect and yet we his children rebel.

We need look no further than the Word of God to find the answers. What is God's reaction when we rebel? What does he do? Does he turn away from us? Does he get angry and retaliate? Does he ever forgive us? How many times does he forgive us? Why does he forgive us?

We, of course, are not God but we need to forgive our rebellious prodigal children too. We may be angry but need to take care that we do not sin in our anger and hurt. We also need to set boundaries to protect our other children and ourselves from the one in rebellion.

God did cast Satan out from His presence when Satan rebelled against God. He did allow Satan a place to exist. He even allows Satan temporary dominion. There is a line though. God does not allow Satan power over His children. He also has declared that there will be judgement and an end to Satan's dominion.

God has given us free will and our children also have free will. We draw the boundaries and guide our children to know God's character and love. They then have to make the choice.
It is not my job to save my children only to show them the way. This is actually much more difficult. We have to be accountable. We have to act out what we believe. Our children are watching and listening to everything we do and say. They are judging our actions against our words daily.

Those of you who know details of our child's rebellion know the pain it has caused. I can tell you that I know God is with us. He has held us up and given us peace. He is refining us to be more like Him. I can only pray that I am pleasing in His sight.

I can also say with certainty that I did teach God's character and ways. When a rebellious child says "I believe in God and Know that Jesus is the Christ. I know that I should become His child. BUT I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO, Not Even God! I want to be in charge of my own life." Then I know that they understand and know. It is not my fault. They are making the choice. I also know that there is HOPE! My child Knows what they should do. There is always hope that they will one day return and that God will draw them to Himself.

So what do I do?
I pray continually for my prodigal and my non-prodigals equally.
My husband and I pray together for our own marriage and family.
I set boundaries with my prodigal that protect my other children and husband and myself.
I keep communication as open as possible with my prodigal.
I pray for God to heal the broken relationships within the family.
I stay in the Word of God and check my own attitude daily.(sometimes hourly)
I do what I can to live in peace as much as depends on me.
I keep on doing what God would have me do...

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Note I wrote this years ago but am only now brave enough to post it. I have taken time to examine my own attitudes and to listen to people o...