Monday, July 17, 2017

I love Ministry Institute! I love the opportunities our students are given to obtain their college education without going into deep debt. The cost is reasonable. The benefits are immense.

Many of my readers are not familiar with Ministry Institute. Here is a link that will tell you about the program.   Ministry Institute

I wrote an open letter to the students in August 2016. I would like to update.

While I have not had any feedback from the first letter it has been read by over 100 people. I want you students to know how loved you are by the people of Foursquare. I pray for you. I know Roger prays for you by name. He has said so. You have so many prayers lifted up for you that you will never know. 

If this is your first year you are probably feeling more comfortable by now. Do not be discouraged. Stay sharp. Keep your hearts pure and your desire to know God more. It is easy to become complacent or become weighted down by the work of school and internship responsibilities. 

Look for the joy in each task. Encourage one another often. The first sentence in our mission statement is "We exist for the purpose of loving God and loving people." 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Punishment or Protection

Do you feel like others have let you down?
Do you blame God for your current circumstances?

Did you do everything most of the time in a relationship?
Did you truly forgive?
Did you truly put the other first?
Did you pray?
Did you?

No one is perfect. We all fail. We are all guilty of not being kind all the time.
We all sometimes get priorities out of order.

I did try.
I did pray.
I did forgive.

I have examined motives.
I have examined priorities.
I have examined where I went wrong.

I was faithful.
I was correctable.
I was also blinded.

Do you blame God when it all falls apart?
Do you blame God because you trusted?
Do you accuse God of not caring?
Do you accuse God of not keeping promises?

Do you just blame yourself?
You didn’t see it. You must not be good enough.
You don’t deserve to be loved.
You are just too imperfect to keep it all together.

Maybe you did what is required.
Maybe you did more…

God loves you.
God loves you even when…
God cares about you.
God always keeps His promises.

You are a child of the King.
You are a loved one of the most High.
You just need to have faith and love.

They also are loved by God.
They also are loved even when…
They also are a child of the King.

Their faith may not be as strong.
They may not know they are loved even when…
They may have been given more time to change.

It may be their salvation that is at stake.
It may be their relationship with Him that is in jeopardy.

I know God always keeps His promises.
I am strong through Him.
He has always protected me.
He protects me even now.

I am not a failure in His eyes.
They can still be saved.
I am a daughter of the most High.
They can be...even still.

My God protects me always.
My God loves me always.
My God is close even when…
He is my shelter.
He is my strength.

These are just words for many…
They are solid truth for some.
I choose to trust in God.
I pray always for you to know Him.

*note - I does refer to myself. They and them refers to a multitude of people in yours and my lives. They and them do not specify any particular person or event so please do not be offended. Convicted maybe but no offense only love. You does mean You my dear reader.


Note I wrote this years ago but am only now brave enough to post it. I have taken time to examine my own attitudes and to listen to people o...