I wanted to share these sermon notes with you. I take a lot of notes and then I usually write them out so I can apply them in a more useful personal way.
This is my way of remembering and applying. Share in the comments your way of absorbing what you learn from your pastor.
Our sermon series this year is Powered by Promise. We are hearing about God's promises through different people in the Bible. We have already heard from Peter, Paul, Jesus and Abraham. This week started in the words of Joseph. I have really loved this series. I want to share what I learned today as it applies to everyone. Everyone experiences fear. Everyone needs to choose whether to allow fear to bind them or surrender to God and be free.
Joseph's story is very intense. Here is a short synopsis.
Joseph was his father's favorite son. His father favored him above all of his older brothers. This favor gave Joseph's brothers an excuse to hate him. I think Joseph probably liked being the favorite. He probably wore his special multi-colored coat with a bit of a swagger around his brothers, he was the youngest after all.
His brothers really hated him. They wanted to kill him but Ruben had a small soft spot for Joseph and suggested that they make a little money for themselves by selling Joseph instead of killing him.
Joseph was taken to Egypt where as a Hebrew he was despised and hated by the Egyptians. He was the lowest of low. He was purchased and worked in Potiphar's house. It did not take long before Joseph learned to speak Egyptian and showed Potiphar how valuable a servant he could be. He was placed in a high position, yet still a slave, in the house. But...Potiphar's wife also noticed Joseph. She wanted him for her own pleasure. Yet Joseph had integrity and even in slavery surrendered his life to God. Potiphar's wife was angry that Joseph would not submit to her and made accusations against him. SO... Joseph was thrown into the Pharoah's prison. He was just sitting in prison for years. BUT Pharoah had some troubling dreams that no one could interpret. It came to Pharoah that this Hebrew slave sitting in his prison might be able to interpret the dream. Joseph, with the insight from God, was able to tell Pharoah what his dreams meant. Pharoah was impressed with Joseph and put him in charge of much.
Seven years of plenty, then seven years of famine. The wisdom of Joseph was saving Egypt from starvation. Joseph was such a good manager that there was enough food for people outside of Egypt. Joseph's brothers were sent to get food...skip a bunch of things at that meeting...Jacob died. Josephs brothers were afraid. What would Joseph do to them now that Dad was gone? They lied and made up a story that Jacob wanted Joseph to forgive them. Joseph had already forgiven them and he wept when he realized his own brothers were afraid of him.
Joseph lived a life surrendered to God and he was favored by God.
What can we learn from Joseph?
Joseph told his brothers "You intended to harm me but God intended it for good."
God will take your pain and use it for gain if you live your life surrendered to God.
Turbulence is part of life on earth. It is normal to be afraid. God wants you to become brave.
Freedom from the Fear of the Immediate
Which is your default mechanism?
It is human to be afraid. Is fear your default? Do you react in fear?
Divine has no fear. Is peace your default? Do you react with faith?
Life happens in real time. We do and say stupid things when we are afraid. There is no DVR or pause button in real life. When we live in fear we are relying on our own selves. We react to circumstances with emotional unthinking speech and actions. We live with a lot of regret.
A surrendered life is a stabilized life. When we learn to surrender everything to God we gain peace. Peace is not just a feeling but a calm that can diffuse the immediate.
Joseph knew what his brothers did not know. God is in control.
Swim in a river not a pond.
Many people are in a perpetual state of fear because of circumstances. God knows your circumstances. He already has it. He is already provided for you. He is here with you now and ahead of you in the future.
The brave may not live forever but the cautious don't live at all. Have confidence for the future. Our hope is in Christ. He died for us once and has already defeated the evil one. Our Father in heaven is patient with us. He waits a while longer not because He wants evil to have more time to wreak havoc but because He desires that All would come to know Him.
So consuming is the fear of the future there is a paralysis of over analyses.
Oh we can all relate to this. Did you ever stress over a final in school to the point of forgetting everything? Have you ever needed to act but couldn't start because you couldn't decide what would be best in the long run?
In Him we live and move and have our being.
We want to be in control. Jesus take the wheel.
Freedom from the Fear of the Past
So many are victimized by people.
People hurt us. People cannot be counted on to always be there. There are people who are selfish, unkind, evil.
Do we just wallow in the past pain and anguish? Do we allow the past to prevent us to love in the immediate or future? Most people who hurt others are hurt themselves. Let's break the cycle and let go of being a victim.
Many by negative memories.
The past can be filled with regret. Regret for things we did wrong. Regret for things we should have done. Regret for opportunities missed.
God will take the energy out of the memories. You will not forget the past but it can no longer hold you hostage.
Lost confidence from the past. Fear that you just can't change, succeed or trust again.
When we lose our confid
Freedom from the fear of Humanity
Free from fear of man
People pleasing is a fear of man
Afraid to discipline your children is a fear
You are their parent not their friend
Afraid to stand up to your peer group is a fear of man
You do need to care or you will become arrogant
Need to be disciples
Need to be docile
Surrendered from people pleasing
God has an unending love for us.
My take away for me is...
God's love for me is unending.