Have you ever been surprised by the depth of a sorrow? I would expect deep sorrow and grief if a person close to me died. I would expect grief to continue if I had lost a child. I would expect sorrow and grief in a time of local disaster. I know that a break in a close friendship causes deep grief. I know that loss can cause deep sorrow.
I have lost special pets before...Snowball, Frisky, Joe. Why is this little one so hard to get over? Was I this sad before? Does the sorrow fade away from the memory? Did I become too attached to a small furry creature this time? Is it because he was so young? Or is it just a snowball effect, one straw too many for the camel?
God promises Joy in the morning. When does morning come?
Does it come each day when the sun rises? Is morning a metaphor for after a period of darkness?
These are the questions that I have pondered in the last few days.
I can tell you with absolute confidence that morning will come.
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He cannot lie. His word says joy will come in the morning and joy WILL come in the morning. I know this without doubt. Joy will come...
Better yet while in the darkness of grief and sorrow I have the comfort that only God can provide. He doesn't mind that I am sad right now. He wipes the tears from my heart. He holds me close to him and whispers words of comfort and promise in my ear. He reminds me that everything is His and he gives and takes away. There is purpose in everything we experience. He is God.
I exist because God created me. I live to have a relationship with my creator. My God gave His own Son for me. He gave up His own Son even if just one came to Him. I am not worthy of this great sacrifice however I gratefully and joyfully accept it.
Do I see morning coming? I see the bright glow of the sun beginning to rise in the east. It is coming with colorful rays glowing red and orange in the clouds. You must look to the east to see the morning arrive. If you are still looking to the west you will only see the darkness of night. Look up! Keep your eyes on the Father and He will bring you through your grief and sorrows.
Joy Will Come in the Morning