Change is inevitable so they say... We have changes in our family all the time so I suppose it is true.
The girls graduated high school last Friday. The charge to the seniors was a blessing to me and the girls. Thank you so much Mr. Purtell. You took the time to meet both of the girls and took special care to pronounce Beatriz name correctly. The next day the girls had a graduation party here at the house. Many friends and family came and ate and ate and ate. It reminded me of my favorite book when I was a child.
Birds Eat and Eat and Eat. I used to read that book over and over again.
Julie and Jake made the food. Hawaiian BBQ chicken with pineapples and rice and banana lumpia. The guest ate it all. Julie also made her special strawberry lemonade. Even the fruit in the bottom of the super large dispenser was eaten. I guess they were a hungry lot. Ricardo's cooked carne asada just for me at 10pm that night when they found out I didn't get to eat.
Sunday morning the girls were honored with the other grads at church. They each received a book about dating. Bea thought it was funny that the church now wants them to date! Actually it is a good book about boundaries in dating. KCA gifted the senior grads with
The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell. Very nice, I will get to read it too.
Now that the celebrations have died down --- changes...
Beatriz already has a job and is working more hours now. She is finishing up at OCMA with 2 more parades. She is the drum major. She will probably be taking a photography class with Julie at the JC this summer. She is looking into contact lenses and got her hair cut short - shoulder length.
Amanda is still job hunting. She has an interview at Disneyland tomorrow. She will be starting classes in the fall for medical assisting.
Julie has had 2 interview this week. Both look promising - both are family friendly - one is more money but also more hours, the other less hours but good hours. Both have medical benefits immediately. We are praying for God's will for the right job.
Jake will be going to school again in the fall. He is looking for a better job in the meantime.
Josh recognizes his ABC's and numbers. He is cracking us up when in the car. He shouts out the letters he sees and every once in a while a number. He really knows them all. Bea and Josh do some work every day. He points out the different letters and numbers on the computer keyboard. He is learning his colors and shapes too but is not so interested in those. He talks a lot. He is a boy and loves to play with cars and trucks and trains and planes. We have the pleasure of his company when Julie goes to work.
Ayden will begin to be here while Shawna is at work too. He is two months old today.
Chuck is working with more clients and is out and about at a moments call. He really enjoys being a Broker/Realtor. His health is improving and he is committed to watching out and keeping accountable regarding his diabetes.
I guess I have the smallest changes in that I still cook, clean and take care of children. But these are boys so it's quite a change from girls.
May God bless all of you and I hope you enjoy my updates. I love reading yours.